基隆市仁愛區 華星牛排館

華星牛排館 網友評分: 4.5, 地址:200基隆市仁愛區孝一路54號。

華星牛排館 餐廳介紹

Review icon 評分 4.5 顆星
pencil icon 評論數 1370 則評論
pin icon 地址 200 基隆市仁愛區 孝一路54號
phone icon 電話 02 2424 6789
營業時間 星期一 11:30–14:30 17:30–21:00
星期二 11:30–14:30 17:30–21:00
星期三 11:30–14:30 17:30–21:00
星期四 11:30–14:30 17:30–21:00
星期五 11:30–14:30 17:30–21:00
星期六 11:30–14:30 17:30–21:00
星期日 11:30–14:30 17:30–21:00
wallet icon 人均消費 $400-1200
Google Map Google Map連結 華星牛排館的GoogleMap
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華星牛排館 網友正面評價

五星 Review iconReview iconReview iconReview iconReview icon
  • 正評網友:服務超親切👍🏻 體貼小孩用餐👍🏻 整體💯

  • 正評網友:基隆老字號的牛排館 一走進店裡,就感受到了復古西餐廳的感覺 服務人員親切的笑容 第一印象給人很好的氛圍 餐點都表現的很好 特別是香檳,一喝入口就有濃濃的葡萄味 加入會員還可以有100元折抵~ 這次用餐感覺不錯 有機會會來二訪♥️

  • 正評網友:服務不錯,餐點也好吃,老派浪漫的感覺,壽星當月憑證件結帳可以折抵200喔!👍👍

  • 四星 Review iconReview iconReview iconReview icon
  • 正評網友:[特色]知名的基隆老牛排館,用餐氛圍雅緻,在周間的中午,相當適合與朋友悠閒的聊天和用餐。位在基隆仁愛市場附近,都不知道在地下一樓有如此靜謐的空間。牆上有一幅基隆港船舶停靠的實景,更顯有趣。餐點以套餐的形式上桌,最讓人驚艷的是海鮮湯,海鮮湯有貽貝、多利魚與大量的蛤蜊,湯頭相當清甜,喝下去後就馬上開胃了!蘋果沙拉用了蘋果、火腿、西洋芹、核桃等食材,但是整體略甜。主餐的主體調味是略淡,建議可以搭配調味船的醬料食用。 [服務]氛圍極佳,氣氛慵懶,可以好好聊天與放鬆的地方,提供刷卡服務。

  • 正評網友:還可以

  • 正評網友:菲力牛排五分熟蠻嫩的好吃,可選擇紐西蘭或美國牛,點餐時選擇美牛忘了問價格 ,結帳才知道美牛多300元,有黑胡椒與蘑菇可以選,沙拉給的鮭魚份量蠻多,整體牛排與附餐都有水準之上,適合節日來

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    華星牛排館 網友中立評價

    三星 Review iconReview iconReview icon

    華星牛排館 網友負面評價

    二星 Review iconReview icon
  • 負評網友:今天放假特地去享用之前覺得不錯的牛排館,但是令人失望的是,味道已經不像記憶中的美味!第一張照片的肋眼心牛排,建議是五分熟,但是外面一圈幾乎是全熟,吃起來真的像牛肉乾,只有中間的部位不會硬!雖然跟服務人員反應後,服務人員有說要換給我,但是我的感覺已經是不好了,而且被換掉的牛排,就會被當成廚餘,會很浪費,所以我選擇吃完。再來第二張的王品牛小排,吃起來很像某家便當店控肉的味道,而且以前上來是一整塊完整的,現在全部切成這樣,留一個骨頭在旁邊是什麼意思?然後以前覺得很美味的酥皮海鮮濃湯也明顯味道變淡了!整套餐點吃下來,只有沙拉、飲料、麵包&蛋糕是OK的。以這次的經驗來看,我之後來消費的意願是零!我們旁邊有一桌比較早來的客人,餐點幾乎沒什麼吃,就請服務人員收走。雖然打五星評論有送東西,但我還是想說出最實際的情況!

  • 負評網友:餐點、環境氣氛ok,就說一點不行的: 5月22日中午在等上菜時,一隻小強🪳就從桌邊爬來,當下用手邊的衛生紙撚去,交給服務生,服務生略為錯愕的拿到後台給其他員工看,然後就沒下文了。直到結帳離開為止,餐廳都沒再任何表示or說明! 只能說在地老字號,不怕少幾個客人,華X品質堅若磐石

  • 負評網友:結論:cp 值非常低,口味也讓人失望!絕對不會想光顧第二次,同等價位可以去吃紅屋牛排、王品牛排或是夏慕尼鐵板燒。 1. 口味:老饕和菲力牛排都偏生,尤其菲力牛排雖然主打口感軟嫩,但整體完全沒有口感!整盤最好吃的大概就是櫛瓜和地瓜,因為價格實在不低,感受就是食之無味,棄之可惜! 甜點是提拉米蘇蛋糕,這也難吃得驚人!中間非一般起司,吃起來好像是加了吉利丁的口感QQ的,底層非浸泡咖啡或萊姆酒的手指餅乾,就是一層薄薄的海綿體,除了上層的可可粉,整體跟提拉米蘇沾不上邊!大蒜麵包和沙拉普通,19:30用餐湯品只剩下酥皮濃湯,非常可惜! 2. 服務:雖然很多評價都說服務不好,但11/12當天無論點餐或上菜流程都非常順利,態度很好,補水跟收盤的速度也很快,只有最後整桌甜點都上完後,唯獨忘了上蛋糕,但就服務品質而言瑕不掩瑜! 3. 環境:就老字號餐廳而言,地下室環境乾淨舒服,但就鐵板牛排會產生大量濃煙和味道而論,排煙非常差,用餐完全身都是味道!

  • 一星 Review icon
  • 負評網友:It was an absolutely terrifying experience!!! You’d be spending quite a lot to receive attitudes from the waiters. I would not recommend it ever to anyone. 非常糟糕的用餐經驗,可能是這輩子吃過CP值最低的一頓飯。花大錢來被兇和吃低品質菜色,完全不推薦。 (ENGLISH BELOW) 1. 入口外觀低調優雅很ok,但是在地下室,有些潮濕,玻璃上滿是水氣,空氣味道有點奇怪,進入之前外面還擺放捕蚊燈,內部裝潢保留早期西餐館風味,音樂輕柔好聽 。 2. 進場後,帶位時態度愛理不理,裡面沒幾個客人也只說我們只能坐兩人位,我們其中一位還是孕婦。冷氣非常冷,他們也置之不理。 3. 菜單和門口的促銷餐點完全不同,詢問後只敷衍回答。所有套餐幾乎都是千元起跳,這時我想好吧,或許餐點真的很值得期待。麵包來了之後,非常乾硬,於是我向服務生要了奶油,她很兇地回答沒辦法,我為她為什麼,她說因為奶油只能用來煮菜不能用來塗麵包?(對不起這個回答真的很弱智) 4. 我點了❮酥皮玉米鮑魚濃湯❯,濃湯來之後,沒什麼味道,湯品食材也不是品質很好的,酥皮倒是不錯,最瞎的是,裡面所謂的”鮑魚”根本是假鮑魚,口感比幸鮑菇還要差。朋友的❮法式洋蔥湯❯有洋蔥燒焦的味道。 5. 中間想要加水都要等老半天,服務生永遠不會走過來,而這間餐廳規模根本不大,四個服務生裡面只有一個態度勉強過關。中間告知鹽罐空了請換一瓶,服務生居然直接拿隔壁桌的鹽罐(也快沒了)給我,然後把空的放到隔壁桌……. 6. 主餐牛排肉質ok,配菜不懂為什麼有一塊甜地瓜?醬汁有黑胡椒和蘑菇醬,黑胡椒醬會辣,蘑菇醬非常難吃沒有味道,老實說我只覺得付了$1300吃跟夜市差不多的東西還受到糟糕的服務? 7. 飲料送上來,我點❮蜂蜜柚子茶❯,喝了一口差點吐出來,因為整杯都是檸檬汁調的!!我非常討厭檸檬,當下只覺得跟湯品一樣被詐騙,品名跟實品差很多。 8. 甜點部分,我詢問乳酪蛋糕是”輕乳酪”還是”重乳酪”,服務生支支吾吾一臉不耐煩說應該就是一般的輕乳酪吧!結果猜猜看,來的是什麼? The entrance at ground floor looked elegant, however, the door is in the basement. You could immediately feel the humidity and some sort of moldy smell in the air, the glasses were all covered in vapor which were definitely not elegant at all. There was even a mosquito lamp at the entrance as if it were the back of your kitchen. Nevertheless, the music was very pleasing. 2. After we entered, the waitress had a very arrogant attitude and seemed like she was doing us a favor by talking to us when it was merely her job to attend. 3. The menu was completely different from what was demonstrated at the ground floor entrance. Most of the meals were 1000 NT +, and at this point I still had the hope of receiving a decent meal judging by the prices. When the bread arrived, it was dry and hard, so I had requested some butter to go along with it. The waitress told me (again arrogantly) it was not possible. I asked her again why it was impossible, and she said this: “the butter is only for cooking, you cannot use it to spread on your bread.” I am sorry, she must have been hit on the head to have said that. 4. I order the ❮corn soup with abalone❯ and it came with a very plain soup (tasted like cheap ingredients) and fake abalones that tasted worse than king oyster mushrooms (a common ingredient for vegan abalones). My friend had ordered the ❮French onion soup❯ and it tasted burned. 5. We had to wait decades until any of the waiters check on us and we were thirsty before that happened…..And only one out of the four waiters that night had an acceptable attitude. At one point, I had requested them to replace the salt can because it was empty, and the waiter simply took the one which was almost empty as well from the neighboring table and replace it with the empty one from my table……I was completely speechless……… 6. The steak from the main course was alright, but there was a chunk of “sweet potato” on side dishes which did not go with the steak at all. The two choices of the sauce were black pepper and mushroom. The black pepper one was spicy and the mushroom one was totally bland. The funny thing is these two sauces are famous in Taiwanese night market steak stands. I don’t understand the point of paying NTD$1300+ to have almost the exact same food as what’s in the night market that would cost you $150 with a more balanced taste? The service was still awful at this point. 7. I ordered ❮Honey Pomelo Tea❯ and I almost puked when I had the first sip because the whole drink was made with lemon juice. I personally hate lemon juice and I felt cheated on as “LEMON” never appeared on the item the I ordered!!! It was just like how they tricked you with the “corn soup with abalone”. 8. I had asked the waitress if the cheesecake was “Cotton Cheesecake” or “New York Cheesecake”, and the waitress answered with great impatience: “I don’t know, probably Cotton cheesecake”. And guess what I got?

  • 負評網友:地下室排煙也太糟糕了,吃完全身都是油煙味,肉類的品質也完全跟不上價格

  • 負評網友:真的沒料,肉超柴,飲料難喝,酥皮濃湯味道有夠奇怪,服務員做事效率很差,跟以前差太多了。加油好嗎?

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