台北市大安區 哦耶!旁遮普印度餐廳

哦耶!旁遮普印度餐廳 網友評分: 5.0, 地址:106台北市大安區延吉街137巷18號。

哦耶!旁遮普印度餐廳 餐廳介紹

Review icon 評分 5.0 顆星
pencil icon 評論數 2186 則評論
pin icon 地址 106 台北市大安區 延吉街137巷18號
phone icon 電話 02 2731 7265
營業時間 星期一 11:30–14:30 17:30–21:30
星期二 17:30–21:30
星期三 11:30–14:30 17:30–21:30
星期四 11:30–14:30 17:30–21:30
星期五 11:30–14:30 17:30–21:30
星期六 11:30–14:30 17:30–21:30
星期日 11:30–14:30 17:30–21:30
wallet icon 人均消費 $400-800
Google Map Google Map連結 哦耶!旁遮普印度餐廳的GoogleMap
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哦耶!旁遮普印度餐廳 網友正面評價

五星 Review iconReview iconReview iconReview iconReview icon
  • 正評網友:這裡有非常好的食物和非常友好的工作人員!

  • 正評網友:香料味重,且入味,飯的部分真的很印度,真的不是台灣人在吃的口感 烤餅是我目前吃過最喜歡的,鬆軟香,外層微酥,不會那種脆到一下子破掉,非常好沾咖喱

  • 正評網友:旁遮普羊肉肉非常嫩~ 小孩非常地喜歡~薄荷檸檬氣泡水也很好喝~ 服務非常地親切~

  • 四星 Review iconReview iconReview iconReview icon
  • 正評網友:服務很好、東西道地

  • 正評網友:有兩間喔,這間大的是哥哥顧店,小間的是妹妹顧店。 老闆很客氣,服務態度良好。 推:旁遮普傳統羊肉咖喱(有點辣),一份咖喱醬應該夠分兩個人吃,可以另外加點其它的,老闆應該是會招待它的甜點“帕尼普里爆汁脆球”(其實這不是甜的,是有點辣的。) 烤餅偏油但好吃(奶油不錯),優格。 普通:奶油雞肉咖喱(羊肉肉質比較好。)

  • 正評網友:味道不錯

  • 網友正面評論

    哦耶!旁遮普印度餐廳 網友中立評價

    三星 Review iconReview iconReview icon
  • 中立網友:口味因人而異所以我不做批評, 店員服務親切用餐感覺良好 但是對於份量, 以這樣的價位不算低卻是少少的份量, 我不能接受 男生都沒有吃飽,吃完我們還去吃別的東西才吃飽, 並不會有想再次回訪的意願

  • 中立網友:服務人員服務很好 羊肉咖喱還不錯 香料奶茶也不錯喝,但糖味佔比蠻多的 魚肉也不錯 其他都不難吃,但稱不上驚艷

  • 網友中立評論

    哦耶!旁遮普印度餐廳 網友負面評價

    二星 Review iconReview icon
  • 負評網友:7/8晚上時段用餐, 餐點好吃,烤餅口味很多口感也很特別。 中間有詢問一位橘衣員工能不能點酸球,結果他用英文回應與手機翻譯跟我們說如果賄賂他就可以免費提供, 我們問說要給多少錢,他回覆up to you,但因為我們很想吃也就答應。 不過我們心裡覺得怪怪的,就有在觀察這名橘衣員工,發現他有可能是私下在跟顧客要小費,因為發現他會迴避老闆的視線,或是老闆靠近的時候他會有點心虛裝忙走開。 後來老闆端了一小盤酸球給我們,我還特地詢問是否需要費用,老闆也很親切的說這是免費的。 我們要結帳前也剛好看到有一桌兩人桌也要買單的,就看到橘衣員工拿了兩盒小東西給他們,然後用一樣的套路,手機翻譯給他們要他們給小費換禮物,然後他們看起來不太好意思拒絕就照做。 後來我拿到帳單去準備的結帳時候,橘衣男又飄過來手指點了一下桌子跟我們說,錢可以放在桌上中間的位置。 我是認同小費文化的,但是這樣的行為感覺是私下進行的,而且有點半強迫,這種觀感真的很差,即使東西好吃我也不會想要再訪。 We had dinner on the evening of July 8th. The food was delicious, and there were many flavors of baked plain nam which very tasty. At one point, we asked a staff in orange clothing if we could order sour balls, and he responded in English and using a phone translator, saying that he could provide them for free if we bribed him. When we asked how much it would cost, he said “up to you”, and because we really wanted to eat them, we agreed. However, we felt a bit strange about this, so we kept an eye on this orange-clothed employee. We suspected that he might be privately asking customers for tips, because we noticed that he would avoid the boss’s gaze, or when the boss was close, he would act busy and walk away, looking a bit guilty. Later, the boss served us a small plate of sour balls. I specifically asked if there was any cost, and the boss kindly said that they were free. Just before we paid the bill, we happened to see a table for two also getting their bill. We saw the employee in the orange clothes give them two small boxes, then he used the same method, translating on his phone asking them for a tip in exchange for a gift. They seemed a bit reluctant to refuse and just did as he suggested. When I got the bill and was about to pay, the orange-clothed man came over again and pointed at the table, telling us to put the money in the middle of the table. I respect the culture of tipping, but this kind of behavior seems to be conducted privately and feels somewhat coercive. This leaves a very bad impression. Even if the food is good, I would not want to visit again.

  • 一星 Review icon

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